Club Sandwiches might be iconic in their own right, but JOEs Club challenges the already not-so-humble barriers of icon-status. If there was a walk of fame for sandwiches, JOEs Club might be the first to claim a star next to our beloved Tunacado. Read on to discover what makes our Club stand out from the rest. Here’s what you’ll learn:
1. The origin of JOEs Club
2. What ingredients are in JOEs Club
3. JOEs Club calories
4. Who eats JOEs Club
Let's take the first bite.
Whenever we walk down memory lane, looking back at old menus, we're always accompanied by a good old friend, JOEs Club. It’s been with us from the very start, soothing hungry bellies with that feel-good comfort only Joe can deliver.
Bringing our own twist to the classic Club Sandwich? That was a no-brainer. But making sure ours stands out? Now, that’s where the magic happened. After some serious taste-testing, we landed on the perfect combo—juicy chicken, fresh avocado, ripe tomato, pesto, and of course, our signature sandwich bread. It’s a JOE original, and it hits different.
Simple works, complicated sucks. That's why we've taken the classic Club Sandwich and removed all the glitter, fluff and fancies in favor of true simplicity. There are no bells and whistles here, just great taste time after time.
Count to five. That’s how many elements it takes to make JOE’s Club.
1. Juicy chicken
2. Avocado
3. Tomato
4. Vegan pesto
5. Crunchy sandwich bread
We like to go simple when we can. JOEs Club is no exception. If you’re not big on gluten, we’ve got you covered. All sandwiches can be made with great tasting gluten free bread, too.
JOEs Club is the perfect choice for those of you looking to fuel your body with what it needs without the bloat that comes from a full-fledged indulgent meal.
Calories in one JOEs Club
One sandwich has 452 calories.
Consisting of both protein, veggies and whole grain bread, JOEs Club is the perfect choice for almost any meal of the day.
Well, everyone does. It wouldn't have reached the cult status it has if not. We're proud to call JOE's Club a lunch go-to, a dinner game-changer, a pre-flight must-have – and so much more. JOEs Club is a bonafide hunger solver – and an iconic one at that.
We love seeing busy pros grab it on the fly, just as much as we love a perfectly plated sit-down moment made for the 'Gram. When you're a classic, it just works every time.
For our barbell-oriented friends, JOEs Club functions great as both a pre, - and post workout meal. The macro split is well suited for both restoring everything your body needs or prepare it for a mirror-wrecking pump.